Namada Staking

Secure Namada's proof-of-stake system and collect NAM rewards for your help.

  • Approximate Rewards Rate

  • Validators


How it Works

Namada is a proof-of-stake network that uses NAM as its staking token. NAM holders participate in staking as delegators or validators, bonding NAM to secure the network and receiving NAM rewards in exchange for their contributions. Proof-of-stake is an in-protocol mechanism that rewards users automatically in a decentralized way.

Become a Validator
  • 01

    Delegators research and select validators to stake their tokens to

    Collecting rewards proportional to their stake. Selected validators then serve as delegates, participating in consensus and governance on the delegator’s behalf. Staked tokens are bonded and illiquid, but can be withdrawn after an unbonding period of 14 days.

  • 02

    Validators participate in consensus

    Voting on state transitions and proposing blocks, and vote on future protocol upgrades via governance. Validator voting power is equal to the amount of NAM they have at stake, including their own self stake and the amount delegated to them. Validators share staking rewards with delegators and can charge a commission rate.

  • 03

    To ensure network security

    Validators who deviate from the protocol (causing safety faults) are slashed with a loss of stake and jailed, meaning they are unable to participate in consensus for a period of time. Delegators staking to misbehaving validators are also slashed.

How to Participate

  • 01

    Create a Namada account and fund it with NAM (Users who have not received NAM as part of the RPGF Drop and the Testnet programs will not be able to fund their accounts until phase 5)

  • 02

    Research validators and their commission rates, and select those you want to stake to. It’s recommended to diversify your stake across several validators.

  • 03

    Choose how much NAM to stake with each of your chosen validators. It’s recommended to leave some free balance in your account to cover transaction fees.

  • 04

    Sign the transaction to bond your NAM.

  • 05

    Rewards start accruing after 2 epochs and can be claimed by signing a claim transaction. Claimed rewards are transferred to your transparent unstaked balance and are immediately liquid.

  • 06

    Update your selection of validators and the amount bonded to each at any time without needing to unbond by submitting a redelegation transaction.

*Epochs on Namada last approximately 6 hours, depending on block times. Voting periods can be specified in a given proposal but last a minimum of 5 epochs.

Where to stake?

NAM staking will be possible on several apps and platforms across the community, including Namadillo.

Get started and help secure the shielded multichain future. 

Namada Apps

Develop and Operate on Namada

  • Contribute to the Namada network's resiliency.

    Run a Full Node
  • Vote on Namada state transitions and propose new blocks.

    Become a Validator
  • Explore Namada's architecture and possibilities.

    Setup a Local Network
  • Integrate Namada into applications or extend its capabilities.

Mainnet phase 3
Shielding Party
Mainnet Roadmap