Trusted Setup

Ended 21 / 12 / 22
Total Contributions

The Namada Trusted Setup Ceremony was completed at 9am UTC on the 21st of December 2022. For a full roundup of the ceremony check out the roundup. The ceremony parameters can also be downloaded below.

Contribution Archive

IDIdentityPublic KeyHashSignatureResponseAttestations

An MPC ceremony to generate random parameters for the MASP circuit.

Namada's MASP circuit will use the combination of two sets of parameters: phase I parameters from the Powers of Tau ceremony coordinated by the Zcash Foundation in 2018; and the new parameters generated in the upcoming Namada trusted setup ceremony as phase II.

Participate in the trusted setup

  1. 01 - Show participation intent

    Sign up here if you want to participate and receive updates in your mailbox.

  2. 02 - Preparation

    The details will be published on this page and sent via email.

  3. 03 - Contribute

    As soon as your turn in the queue comes, you'll have 20 minutes to contribute with the CLI or your own implementation

Trusted setup requirements

  • Physical hardware

    • Desktop running at least Intel Core i5 7700HQ or similar.
    • Laptop running at least AMD Ryzen 5 2700U or similar with 2+ real cores.
  • Bandwidth

    • Upload speed - 10 Mbits
    • Download speed - 30 Mbits
  • Operating system

    • Linux
    • MacOS
Mainnet phase 3
Shielding Party
Mainnet Roadmap